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This Bass Pundit Blog Franchise Empire is dedicated to the pursuits of philosophical and theological reflection, meditation, speculation, and blood sport. I was the Bass Pastor, maybe I still am.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The Fishing Lesson
My grandfather fought in two wars in his time in the Army, WW2 and Korea. He was wounded 5 times between the two wars. He held the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. I want to share something my sister wrote shortly after our grandfather passed away last year. With Veteran's Day approaching, I thought it appropriate.
The Fishing Lesson
I could never figure out as a child why my grandfather loved fishing so much. It was fun to go with him as a kid every now and then, but I could never understand why he went day after day. It wasnt until I went fishing with him last April that I finally knew. It was a cloudless day the last time my grandfather ever went fishing. I had promised him two years earlier that I was going to take him fishing. He couldnt go out on his boat by himself anymore and so he did wait patiently for two years for me to come home. The last time I was home, before we even knew he was sick I knew in my heart that I had to take him. My grandfather, my dad, my nephew and I spent four hours on that lake that day without a single nibble all day long. Not a tug, not even a little pull on our lines. The one thing I do remember about that day is how the water was so calm. It was like glass all day long. It was calm and serene and I cant remember a day in the last seven years of my life that was so calm and peaceful. There are two things that I could never figure out about my grandfather. One was his love for fishing and the other was that besides a few comical antidotes about his wartime experiences you would have never known that he was on Normandy beach that day in 1944 and later went to Korea. He was never sad like a man who had seen so much war. I saw only a glimpse of war in 1999, 2002, and 2003 and it still makes me sad sometimes. I realized that day, that he fished not for the chance to catch anything, but for quiet, still moments like those we shared that day. And I also realized that he wasnt sad because he had us, his family. His family had been his salvation all of those years. I knew this because of all of the veterans in the VA hospital he was one of the few that had family next to him every minute of every day. After fishing my grandfather dropped all three of us off at the dock so we could prepare the truck to put the boat back on it. He trolled away from the dock, and as I thought he would turn the boat around to come back in he kept trolling out past the buoys. Once he got past the buoys I saw him turn his hat backward and open up his boat for the last time. Maybe he knew in his heart too. And so for a few minutes he sped across the lake all while a gorgeous Texas sunset was fading behind him. There were no boats on the water that day, and he flew across the calm water with nothing in his way. It was just him and his lake. Thats how ill always remember him. I wont remember him with all of the tubes coming out of him, or his lack of hair from the chemo. Ill remember him teaching me a lesson that day. To remember whats important and why I do fight all of these wars, and what will take me through my nightmares and memories. My family.
We didnt catch anything that day, but it didnt matter to any of us.
We were together and no big bass can ever beat that.
My grandfather passed away on Saturday. Called back to duty by his commander in chief in heaven.
Theres no doubt in my mind where he's at right now.
Hes on lake.
hooah, grandpa.
St.Croix has terrible service!
I broke a rod I bought after 2000 and they told me I was wrong! And the rod was over 15 yrs old lmao! 15 yrs ago I was using a Fenwick with a Mitchell 300 I never even heard of them 15 yrs ago.
And for the price? They are not all they are cracked up to be, they break like any other cheap rod. I went to Jarvis Walker made by Penn, I have had great luck with them and if I break one? They are under 30 bucks.
"I believe war, weapons, corporate greed and systemic injustice are an abomination in the sight of God. They are the definition of mortal sin. They mock God and threaten to destroy God’s gift of creation. If you want to seek the living God, you have to pit your entire life against war, weapons, greed and injustice--and their perpetrators. It is as simple as that."Dude, you need to Love the Lord thy God with all your mind, because when you do I think you will discover that your condemnation can never be so cut and dried in a fallen world among a fallen humanity. If it is so cut and dried than why are these pronouncements yours and not directly uttered by Jesus himself? I would submit much of your Bibilical interpretation is wishful thinking more than serious hermineutic. Jesus himself said render unto Caeser what is Caeser and the God that which is God's. A Christian cannot simply avoid civic responsiblity for wishful thinking of their own making. That is not true faith, but foolishness.
"We have to resist this new American empire..."If you think "American Empire" is bad, who would you prefer to be ruled by? A totalitarian Soviet/Communist one? A totalitarian Islamic one? A fascist Nazi one? An Imperial Japanease one? A totalitarian Pan-Arab one? A truely brutal pagan Roman or Mongolian one? How about a truely fucked up French Imperial one? Or do you favor some other small time authoritarian despot, kingdom, tribe or fiefdom?
...as well as its false spirituality and all those who claim to be Christian yet support the murder of other human beings.This statement is about as morally obtuse an argument as I've ever seen. The options are not simply American empire vs. the utopia of the Kingdom of God. So the American Empire goes away and then What? Are you saying that the majority of people in Iraq where better under Saddam and the Bathists than they are with a true opportunity for self-determination and radical liberal democratic reforms?
We have to repent of the sin of war, put down the sword, practice Gospel nonviolence, and take up the cross of revolutionary nonviolence by loving our enemies and discovering what the spiritual life is all about.I don't recall Jesus or the Apostles speaking of a "Gospel of nonviolence." Jesus was not a prophet or martyr for any so called "gospel of nonviolence." I don't recall converted Roman soldiers and commanders being commanded to resign and renounce their position. I think this Gospel you speak of is not "Gospel" at all and should not be accepted uncritically and without serious reservations.
put down the swordThe secular/political authority commands those within it's authority and has not only the right but the obligation to bear the sword. Jesus and his followers understood this, but you seemingly do not. If commanded by the political authority to bear the sword to not obey could be to disobey God and promote evil rather than discourage it. That is good Biblical theology, your position however is not.
take up the cross of revolutionary nonviolence by loving our enemies and discovering what the spiritual life is all aboutI reject the notion that too unilaterally disarm, which is essentially to hand your enemy the gun with which an evil enemy will then summarily shoot you in the head consitutes what Jesus meant with the line about "loving your enemies" "taking up the cross " or has anything to do with discovering what "the spirtiual life is all about" unless reaping the the consequences of stupidity is a spiritual discipline we are to seek.
SUBJECT: # 41653: How do you get to be a prostaff team member?From Bass Fishing Home PageTM Web, whatever! And whatever that thing is, it shure catches Bass Fisherman.
Yeah Baby! Time for BassCenter !!!!!!!I have an alternative plan.
Get in on the ground floor of a revolutionary new media tool and have it revolve around the sport of Bass Fishing (we are quite campy, you know.) I have founded my "Blog Franchise Empire" and will continue to grow the thing and build momentum, networking with every bass fisherman who catches the blogging fever.
If you like Bass Fishing, tournament or not, and are on the internet, you should not only be writing in these message boards, but blogging. It's easy, it's fun, and you can link to your favorite message boards, you can "blogroll" the BP and/or link to Korean blogger bass fisherman Gar "The Bass Hole"'s: "Fishing Girl of the Week."
Did you know Time has now added a "Blog of the Year?" In 2004 it was
Powerline.com. Did you know ABC named Blogger's as their 2004 "People of the Year?"Where else but on the bloggosphere does a bass fisherman from Minnesocold get to connect and share his passion with an aspiring female astronaut from Kuwait. The bloggosphere has a Kuwaiti Astronaut Diva and has plenty of room for Fishing Diva's too. (Check out Maryam's Blog "So I want to be an Astronaut" and leave her a comment telling her you like to catch those weird "green fish" and wish her the best in making her dreams come true; be sure to tell her BassPundit says hello.)
The objective is to become the Instapundit of the Bass Fishing niche within the bloggosphere. Once a hundred or so Bassin Blogger are networked with me and I'm gettin' several tens of thousands of unique hits a day, the fishing companies will start emailing me. And if I am not already into their product than I'll tell em': "I'll give it try and if I like it than YOU CAN BE ON MY PRO STAFF, DUDE!"
The BP
it all begins here
Pronunciation: 'prEch
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English prechen, from Old French prechier, from Late Latin praedicare, from Latin, to proclaim publicly, from prae- pre- + dicare to proclaim--more at...
Preach (in part) according to Merriam-Websters
I was born a child of grace
Nothing else about the place
Everything was ugly but your beautiful face
And it left me no illusion
I saw you in the curve of the moon
In the shadow cast across my room
You heard me in my tune
When I just heard confusion
All because of you
All because of you
All because of you
I am... I am
Whom have I in heaven but You?
And besides You, I desire nothing on earth.
Psalm 73:25 New American Standard Version
My flesh and my heart may fail...
Psalm 73:26&28 New American Standard Version