I think Yes therefore this post lands here first, this ditty "My Lethal Weapon's My Mind" was written in responce to a internet message board question:
SUBJECT: # 41653: How do you get to be a prostaff team member?From Bass Fishing Home PageTM Web, whatever! And whatever that thing is, it shure catches Bass Fisherman.
Here is my answer to the ? in full tricked out blog-o-link mode which that Uglo Klunklosaurus of an interface I wrote the original on can't pull off:
(BTW, do you think it is it a wee arrogant to myself in this way? Rhetorical Question or begging for comments? You decide!)
Yeah Baby! Time for BassCenter !!!!!!!I have an alternative plan.
Get in on the ground floor of a revolutionary new media tool and have it revolve around the sport of Bass Fishing (we are quite campy, you know.) I have founded my "Blog Franchise Empire" and will continue to grow the thing and build momentum, networking with every bass fisherman who catches the blogging fever.
If you like Bass Fishing, tournament or not, and are on the internet, you should not only be writing in these message boards, but blogging. It's easy, it's fun, and you can link to your favorite message boards, you can "blogroll" the BP and/or link to Korean blogger bass fisherman Gar "The Bass Hole"'s: "Fishing Girl of the Week."
Did you know Time has now added a "Blog of the Year?" In 2004 it was
Powerline.com. Did you know ABC named Blogger's as their 2004 "People of the Year?"Where else but on the bloggosphere does a bass fisherman from Minnesocold get to connect and share his passion with an aspiring female astronaut from Kuwait. The bloggosphere has a Kuwaiti Astronaut Diva and has plenty of room for Fishing Diva's too. (Check out Maryam's Blog "So I want to be an Astronaut" and leave her a comment telling her you like to catch those weird "green fish" and wish her the best in making her dreams come true; be sure to tell her BassPundit says hello.)
The objective is to become the Instapundit of the Bass Fishing niche within the bloggosphere. Once a hundred or so Bassin Blogger are networked with me and I'm gettin' several tens of thousands of unique hits a day, the fishing companies will start emailing me. And if I am not already into their product than I'll tell em': "I'll give it try and if I like it than YOU CAN BE ON MY PRO STAFF, DUDE!"
The BP
it all begins here